Characters quietly record our lives; paintings freeze time in permanence; but music breathes life dynamically.
Histories repeat, weaving the world we inhabit. Amid this turbulent river of time, culture remains our singular uniqueness, with music as its brightest star. Music, the shimmering glory of humanity, showcases our diversity and grants us the freedom to express our innermost selves. It transcends language, speaking directly to our souls, crossing boundaries of race, geography, time, and space. Consider "Gao Shan Liu Shui" (The Lofty Mountain and Flowing River), which has enchanted listeners for over two thousand years, or Mozart's sonatas, composed two centuries ago, that still resonate deeply within us. Music is inescapable; it is woven into the very fabric of our being.
Beyond the vast expanse of European classical and popular music lies another enchanting realm: world music, or ethno music. As a devoted enthusiast and explorer of ethnomusicology, I invite you to join me in unveiling the mysteries and captivating beauty of global musical cultures.
我们生活的世界是由不断重复的历史所构成的,在历史长河的循环往复中,唯一不曾重复的就是我们的文化, 而音乐则是我们人类文化中一颗璀璨的明星。音乐的魅力在于她所闪耀的人性光辉,并且呈现出五彩斑斓的多样性。音乐赋予了我们极大的自由去表达自己,在某种程度下她可以超越语言。音乐可以让我们超越地域、时空和种族的界限进行交流——千年前奏响的高山流水,今日仍在寻觅她的知音;百年前莫扎特写就的奏鸣曲,仍在抚慰着我们的心灵。无论你是谁,你都离不开音乐,或者说离不开音乐的环境,因为音乐就是我们的一部分。
大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。——选自 白居易 《琵琶行》
The bass strings rumbled like thunderstorms pelting.
The treble strings rustled like lovers whispering.
Rumbling and rustling interleaved at a fast rate,
Like large and small pearls falling on a jade plate.
-- Bai Juyi Pipa Xing
--Translated by Ying Sun